
In life we all have choices whether to follow our hearts or to listen to the hearts of others. It seems throughout life we become accustomed to listening to the pulses and beatings of others and claiming that they resonate with that of our own. How little some of us forget that we hide and push down our own to try and stay acquaintances with those around us. Of that thought I am no different as I dedicated my whole life around listening to those around me.

As I'm sure I've stated in a previous transitioning posting I have always changed myself with those around me to try and stay in their good graces. Change my style of music? Sure! Change my clothes to fit in with a clique? You betcha! This seems to be the main focus on all of our lives not only those who are transgender. Think about the last time you liked someone and wanted to change for them or vice versa it was hard at first but then slowly got easier; more than likely small changes were done instead of grand sweeping changes. This I have found is the most dangerous way to live our lives and like always I'm not sure if I'll be rambling or not in this post; but here goes.

Ever since I have moved to Michigan I have steadily begun changing my personality, likes and dislikes. Before I came here I liked to game for long periods of time, Watch Anime, Draw on occasion and being a philosophy major I loved to read. Steadily over the years since getting with my significant other and working at Walgreens I began to move away from all these things. Drawing became a thing of the past even now I can't muster up the energy or even find the time to draw. Reading has slowly been getting back into my life with the purchase of a Kindle paperwhite. So what I am getting at is despite all the things I to love to do being a cornerstone of my personality I was able to change it overtime due to work or for my significant other. Granted I thought most of the things I got rid of would make me look like less of a dork she ultimately didn't care. Even being Transgender she has come to accept that.

So in the end I would advise everyone not to make the choice of getting rid of your personality for anyone or thing ( corporations//work ). Not to mention if you are questioning your sexuality and or gender don't let someone else dictate that for you. We all want to live happy full lives let's not let anyone else tamper with it to make it more miserable. Several people in this world are already doing that and are very good at it



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